June 27, 2008

Back On The Land Of My Father

Posted in blogging, escapades, food, life, love, thoughts tagged , , , , , , at 11:45 pm by Lina

This week has probably been the best and worst in my life. We almost missed our flight on Sunday, our yacht sailed into the tiny little harbor (one dock and some small fishing boats tied to it) over four hours late. However, once we had our supplies and were in the luxory home-at-sea, it was smooth sailing. I changed into my black bikini and then promptly slipped and busted my ass when Scott looked over at me and swerved the boat. I’m still sporting a bruised buttcheek.

I’m betting you would love to see pictures of Scott and me soaking up the sun and the beautiful village we used as our homeport, but around Thursday evening, when Scott and I were on our way back to the boat from a day trip into Thessaloniki that became a night life experience, I stumbled and my camera was lost to the depths. I was yelling, mostly at myself, and Scott just barely managed to restrain me from diving after the precious Kodak memories. He told me that as drunk as I was that I probably would’ve drowned.

The whole thing was great. Great waters, wonderful views, heavenly food, and oh! the people. If it weren’t for Rick Steves and myself, along with this wonderful merchant’s son (Greek God descendant I tell ya), we wouldn’t have survived. I’m tanner and was more relaxed than I have ever been in my life, and Scott… well let’s just say that he’s more than satisfied and has agreed to not complain about money anymore. Other than that one day in the city and short stops for food and gas, we spent the entire trip on the yacht. Whether it was trying to fish, swim until we were ready to pass out, or just stay in the master cabin and enjoy each other’s company 😀 , that was the best planned, and the most fun, disaster ever. I’m pretty sure that’s what Scott’s and my life together will be. Planned disasters lol

The trip was cut short on Friday though, and we took the nearest flight back into Atlanta, hearts and suitcases full. If only you could see the things I found in Thessaloniki! However, I adamantly refuse to ruin a good blog post with sadness, so it will be next time when I know more.


Here lies a memorial for those moments that have been lost in the line of duty. Lady Sea can be so beautiful… and so cruel to technology

June 16, 2008

Budget Feuding and Sexy Brooding

Posted in atlanta, cooking, Drama, food, issues, life, love, relationships, television, work tagged , , , at 10:01 pm by Lina

note to self: never fall in love with someone who hates spending money

Scott and I have been arguing for the past week practically over my monetary habits. With the vacation knocking on our door, we’ve both been stressed trying to get our jobs set up to survive in our absence. He’s been coming home with his already short hair pulled into stress-induced spikes, grabbing a couple of beers, and hunkering down in his chair with his laptop and notepad. I’ve been balancing the booking, I’m setting stuff up to be able to pay everybody this Friday rather than the usual next Tuesday (Damn! that’s gonna screw up the whole bi-weekly routine i have), teaching Jesse things about the store’s shipping, restocking, “special customers”, etc in order for her not to do the hair-pully, very scarey, stress thing that Scott’s been doing.

All this has come together to stir up some monumental fights in Hermitsville. He’s get pissed that I’ve been buying him clothes and stuff for the trip. I get pissed because he’s acting bitchy, and so on and so forth. I hate, absolutely hate fighting, shouting, yelling, and any other negative confrontation of the sort, but I go there when I deem it worth it. Scott is worth it.

After I prove him a little wrong, or he gets his point across in the loudest way possible and I get loud back at him, he throws himself into his chair and stares at either his computer screen or the tv, pouting like a little boy. No matter how angry I am, this cools me down instantly; he’s just so sexy when he broods/pouts that I can’t resist getting him riled up in a very different manner.

Which is the reason I’ve been going to sleep on my long lunch breaks and my eyes feel crusty and dry. He came home this evening having left all of his stuff at work “by accident,” and we both laid down, going to sleep at around 6:30. Of course, I woke up about 2 hours ago starving, so I woke him up, and we ate bagged salad poured into a big bowl with leftover chicken cut up and tossed in, chopped up baby carrots, and Italian dressing. We fork-dueled over the last piece of chicken, which he won (the booger), and our play-fighting turned into some very good makeup sex. Good God, I cannot get enough of this man! I told him so, and he laughed, saying, “You better not because I ain’t goin’ anywhere. You’re stuck with me.” Yay, I say. Wouldn’t want to be stuck with anyone else.



Whoever said makeup sex is better than any other sex is stupid, but they may be onto something in their own perverted, too-much-time-on-their-hands, way.
Yay, I say.

June 4, 2008


Posted in atlanta, blogging, City life, food, friends, life, love, thoughts, work tagged , , , , , , , , , at 11:22 pm by Lina

Ever written down the word banana and kept going? Yeah, that’s me. Writing it is bad enough, but have you ever not stopped while saying this accursed word?

I went out with Halley and Bella last night. They berated me for not calling or stopping by, and the fact that they only know what’s going on in my life by reading the blog. Then we shared a laugh and all was right again.

Bella is freakin’ huge!… Well, compared to how skinny she was before (damn her and her athletic build. lol) Her doctor made her gain weight because he was afraid of her becoming anemic or the baby not getting enough nutrition. When I asked her if she knew what the gender was, she grinned and refused to tell me.

I filled them in on Skinny Me and her bag of issues. I thought Halley was going to permanently become a lovely shade of red as she laughed. Bella just smiled, but I knew she had had such problems in the past, so college antics and youngster angst is not really as hilarious to her as it is to such extreme cynics/loud-mouths as Halley and myself.

The three of us ate a fabulous dinner at Halley’s new place. Her and Edward had bought an old plantation style home outside of the city. She finally quit her lousy job at that gallery and is teaching art history at a tiny college and teaches small art classes once a week. She’s also back to working on her own artwork rather than selling someone else’s.

It turns out Bella left the intern program back at the beginning of May. She said her resident cried when she told him that she was leaving to be a housewife (getting married on Halloween!) and mother for a while. She said she wants to go into pediatrics when the baby gets a little older. She’s totally fearless, my girl. “I love the changes and the fact that it won’t be all about me and Jackson (that’s his full name) anymore. However, I hate that my body isn’t entirely mine now. I’m sharing it with another human being and periodically a doctor examines my very personal areas.”

Halley and I just stared; she beat me to the retort. “You’re a doctor who examines other people’s personal areas. What the hell?” This started us laughing, which made Edward stick his head out of the office. “I don’t wanna know, do I?” He asked smiling.

“Go back to your numbers Teddie Bear and leave us women to our gossip and sensitive-topic conversations.” Halley commented as she poured me and her more margaritas. Aaah, I love maragaritas.

“What kind of fruit do you have?” Bella asked, out of the blue.

“There’s some strawberries, sliced pineapple, and I made Eddie my famous Banana pudding last night because he was craving it and wouldn’t leave me alone until I helped him make it.”

I was half in the hole by this time, mostly because I hadn’t had a good margarita in ages, but i perked up instantly- or instantly with a delay and a slurr on it.  🙂 “You made that pudding?! Can I have some?” Even in my indisposed state, I never should have said anything about it; Halley got that evil little glint in her eyes. “What kind of pudding is it?”

I floundered. “You know what it is! You just said it.”

She chuckled. Halley was an evil supervillain in a past life… or an interrogater for the government. “You have to say what kind it is before you get any.”

I sighed. I didn’t want to say it and she knew that. But, I also really wanted some of her homemade “Nanner Pudding.” I could feel it calling my name. That perfect yellow fruit, the vannila cookies, the whipped cream, and the heavenly pudding from scratch were pulling me like a giant magnet. “Halley, give me some of your damned banana-na pudding before I drown you in my margarita.”

She roared with laughter, causing Bella to join in, and Eddie to leave the office to stare at his insanely malicious wife. I stood up, a little unsteady, and dropped a huge ice cube down her bra as I walked away.

I demolished a large percentage of that pudding, leaving Eddie looking like somebody ran over his new bike the day after Christmas and my stomach communicating much hatred later. Let’s just say I slept on the floor beside the bed to keep the tilting room from making me lose my much earned prize.

btw, *sing song voice* I’m going on vacation! Sand, water, and a half-naked Scottie boy!  We haven’t decided on the exact venue for our first summer vacay together, but I am leaning on either the Florida Keys or renting a boat in Greece. Hmm, or maybe Hawaii, or the Phillipines, ooh or New Zealand? Damn! I hate making decisions…. but I do love Greece,



Revenge is best served cold… on ice

April 17, 2008

Fluff In My Brain And Static On My Television

Posted in atlanta, blogging, City life, life, television, work tagged , , , , at 2:38 am by Lina

My t.v. has officially keeled over, and I don’t think I’ll ever get a full night of sleep again. Although it wasn’t one of those big ass, flat-screen, plasma jobs, it was a damn good tv for years. A 32″ RCA once cost a pretty penny (thousands of pretty pennies) Scott has this look in his eye that I’ve only seen when I took him shopping with me, promising a trip to his favorite store (*cough* Victoria’s Secret) if he wouldn’t complain. He rubbed his hands together and immediately began showing me different plasmas, flat screens, HDtvs, it all runs together in my mind now.

We’re going shopping on Saturday to pick out a new one. I even promised to let him look at the games for his XBOX (i think it’s a 360) if he let me go to Barnes & Noble to mope. It’s just so BIG and Classy looking.

Until then, his couch, coffee table, and floor by his ENORMOUS entertainment center has become my home away from home. I’m not addicted to tv; I just like the background noise while I’m working and the occasional thing that catches my attention.

Lookie at what I’m saving up to order for the spring and summer! (I’m getting the one closer to the front)product image

You haven’t read about anything until you read about my vacations! I’m making Scott take a vacation this summer, even if I have to club him over the head to get him in the car, I’ll do it. I’ve never been on a couples’ vacation that didn’t involve a group of our friends, cheap hotels, and lots of alcohol. Wow, a grown up vacation! Wonder what that’s like? Where do we go? Guess I have planning to do before I spring the idea on him.

Coach and Ralph Lauren side by side. I swear there is going to be a “Battle of The Designer Labels” in my bedroom one day, and I’m going to come home to see my apartment turned into a battlefield, with clothes as the soldiers, laying around the place, torn and ripped. I blame insomnia on that fantasy just now.

Alas, just another boring week. To think, I had all that crap going on. Now, it’s so quiet that it freaks me out. I like the calm, but my sense of imagination and drama do not. They yearn for food for thought to run free and drive others mad with my antics and odd sense of humor.


Good Night Moon


February 24, 2008

Touring Our Nation’s Capitol With A History Guru

Posted in atlanta, escapades, holidays, love, thoughts, work tagged , , , , , , , , at 10:31 pm by Lina

This week has gone by way too fast! Scott and I got back late Monday night from our long weekend spent in Washington D.C. HE had to go to work Tuesday while I spent the entire day on the couch watching shows on my DVR and keeping off my feet as much as possible.

Our trip was so much fun! Friday evening he came home from work and told me to go to the tiny parking lot behind our building. I looked at him for a moment, and seeing the excited look on his face, I conceded and followed him. When I walked out of the back door of our building, I thought I had walked into one of the best dreams ever. No, Josh Lucas, Johnny Messner, and Jason Statham had not come to whisk me away. Hehehe. There in Scott’s parking spot sat a bright red 1953 Cadillac Eldorado convertible, fully restored. I may have had a stroke right then and there, until I thought about the long ride we’d have to take in this antique car.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Scott remarked as he guided me to the passenger side. “How are we going to get all the way to Washington D.C. in a timely fashion? But, you know what? Don’t worry about it. I may go broke paying for gas, but we are riding in style. To answer your other question, I borrowed this from Jon. He did most of the work on it himself.”

I pictured the man I met from the dance club and shook my head, not being able to picture him up to his elbows in an engine like these babies have.

Anyway the car ride up there and back had to be the best and worst part of the vacation. The best because I spent most of the time snuggled close to Scott on the white leather bench seat with his arm around my shoulders. The worst because I haven’t driven a stick in years and had to reacquaint myself with its workings in a IHOP parking lot. Embarrassing!

Everywhere we went, from Georgetown to the enormous mall near Virginia Beach, I managed to find all the bookstores. At one time, I dragged Scott into this little Rare and Used Bookstore in this white townhouse in Georgetown. He huffed playfully and made the comment that, “We didn’t drive all this way to look at books!”

I shoved him and replied in a fake appalled tone, “Well, I did! I don’t know where you’ve been, but you’d think you would have noticed by now that books are my life.”

He pulled me into the corner, kissed me, and whispered, “Picante, you are my life.” Then, he tickled me which sent me stumbling into a precariously stacked set of encyclopedias.

Scott is so patient! He let me drag him into all the designer shops. In addition, to letting me go crazy with my credit card on skirts, and wonderful tops, he paid a terrifying amount on a Coach purse, wallet, and scarf that I practically drooled and shed a tear of wonder on. I paid him back though, in company and sight-seeing. Even when I had blisters from my worn out shoes and was tired as D.C. is historical, we went to all the monuments, memorials, and Hiked through Arlington cemetery.

I didn’t know this until the trip, but in college Scott’s major was journalism and his minor was US history. I don’t know how he came to be an editor for a small, but successful magazine, but I drove once we got into D.C. so he could moon over and tell about the history of the people and buildings without getting into an accident. He looked SO adorable, and kind of sexy, all bright-eyed and excited about each thing we passed.

Our schedule got thrown away our first night in D.C. because I managed to “talk” him out of scheduling each and every moment, and I’m glad I did. That trip was just what I needed before spending all of this week doing accounting crap and teaching Jesse to enter data and book info into the computer.

The car is back to its owner now, and Damn! I’ll miss it like nothing else.

February 11, 2008

Running Away With Ourselves

Posted in atlanta, escapades, holidays, love, relationships, thoughts, work tagged , , , , , at 4:45 am by Lina

I changed my name to Grin because that’s all I seem to have done today. I had lunch with Skippy today, which turned into a long lunch that he got one of those damn warning emails about. *wink wink*

He took me to the Hard Rock Cafe, which is probably my all-time favorite restaurant over any other in the state. The atmosphere makes me hyper and crazy. Anyway, we had just got our drinks when he grabbed my hand and told me that he had a surprise for me! “I don’t care that I’m ruining it either,” he added, all a-twitter.

He has made up a tour of D.C., all by himself. We’re leaving Friday, the day after Valentine’s Day I might add (I’m all excited about V-Day even though I haven’t planed anything yet), and driving up to D.C. for the holiday weekend. We won’t be back until Monday night, which means almost 4 days of me, him, and the history of D.C.!!! It may sound a little dorky, but I can’t wait to tour all the monuments and drive by the construction of the MLK Jr. monument with him. There is nothing quite like blistered feet and too much PDA in our country’s capitol. 

I am looking forward to seeing how long it will take before he wants me to drive. He’s only seen me drive around the holidays where I’m a very mellow and just cruise through the days, so I may scare him with my speed and entire mood shift once I’m behind the wheel of his mother of a Chevy Tahoe. Oooh, I get chills just thinking about climbing into it.

Oh my god! What am I going to wear that can distract him really well while also being warm for the extreme cold and not looking like horrible tourists? Jeans for the ride up there and back only, Scott said. We’re going for the sophisticated look I’m presuming. I’m leaving all my heels at home thank you very much.  😀

I guess I’ll be reverting to my younger self and wear my Timberland boots. I swear if Scott wears suits and ties, I’m going to strangle him with his beautiful ties! Spy mode is good for seeing what he’s packing… that came out wrong. You know what I mean!

He better wear all those expensive sweaters he got for Christmas and leave the collars at home/work where they belong, or I’ll be unpacking all his stuff and putting in what I want. For such a funny, laid-back, hot, sexy man, he sure is uptight about his clothes. He irons more than I do most weeks.

Alas, it’s my turn to cook. Scott usually cooks while I’m more of a person that orders out, but only the good stuff, but I feel like surprising him a little since he’s been working so late the past week. How does baked chicken with barbeque sauce, potato salad, and a fresh salad sound for something different? I might even wear my new apron (it’s red with white and black flowers on it) and my “new” (borrowed them from Bella) red heels. Welcome home, Skippy! Lol