June 27, 2008

Back On The Land Of My Father

Posted in blogging, escapades, food, life, love, thoughts tagged , , , , , , at 11:45 pm by Lina

This week has probably been the best and worst in my life. We almost missed our flight on Sunday, our yacht sailed into the tiny little harbor (one dock and some small fishing boats tied to it) over four hours late. However, once we had our supplies and were in the luxory home-at-sea, it was smooth sailing. I changed into my black bikini and then promptly slipped and busted my ass when Scott looked over at me and swerved the boat. I’m still sporting a bruised buttcheek.

I’m betting you would love to see pictures of Scott and me soaking up the sun and the beautiful village we used as our homeport, but around Thursday evening, when Scott and I were on our way back to the boat from a day trip into Thessaloniki that became a night life experience, I stumbled and my camera was lost to the depths. I was yelling, mostly at myself, and Scott just barely managed to restrain me from diving after the precious Kodak memories. He told me that as drunk as I was that I probably would’ve drowned.

The whole thing was great. Great waters, wonderful views, heavenly food, and oh! the people. If it weren’t for Rick Steves and myself, along with this wonderful merchant’s son (Greek God descendant I tell ya), we wouldn’t have survived. I’m tanner and was more relaxed than I have ever been in my life, and Scott… well let’s just say that he’s more than satisfied and has agreed to not complain about money anymore. Other than that one day in the city and short stops for food and gas, we spent the entire trip on the yacht. Whether it was trying to fish, swim until we were ready to pass out, or just stay in the master cabin and enjoy each other’s company 😀 , that was the best planned, and the most fun, disaster ever. I’m pretty sure that’s what Scott’s and my life together will be. Planned disasters lol

The trip was cut short on Friday though, and we took the nearest flight back into Atlanta, hearts and suitcases full. If only you could see the things I found in Thessaloniki! However, I adamantly refuse to ruin a good blog post with sadness, so it will be next time when I know more.


Here lies a memorial for those moments that have been lost in the line of duty. Lady Sea can be so beautiful… and so cruel to technology

June 10, 2008

Plans To Get Tan With My Man

Posted in cooking, escapades, holidays, love, thoughts, work, writing tagged , , , , , , , at 11:23 am by Lina

I love rhyming! I can never get it right when I talk, but it seems that I’m a regular doctor seuss when I write/type  🙂

With my “womanly wiles” as Scott likes to call it, I was able to talk him into renting a boat with me and sailing around the Greek coast for a week. That means a entire week of nothing but me, Scott, and the open Aegean Sea!! I’ve been breaking out in random dancing for the past two days because I’m so excited! The money I made off of my car is going towards plane tickets, supplies, and “dinner when we get tired of floating” per Scott’s two-cents. Plus, I’m going shopping while he is at work today. Scooter doesn’t understand that he can’t wear jeans, ragged shorts, and running clothes while we are IN GREECE, and his suits are not leaving his closet, so the man needs swimming trunks, shorts, t-shirts, flip flops, and he’s making me buy us each a pair of water shoes. He’s so adorable when he acts all worried and OCD-like.

Here’s a picture of what the boat kind of looks like (it’s HUGE!!!)

Do you know how hard it is to try to rent a boat without a crew being included?! Makes me want to drink heavily. lol

I finally showed him the black bathing suit I bought at Victoria’s Secret (see You Can’t Put A Price On Everything) We had to order take-out because I “made” him burn dinner with my “irresistible tempations.” Mwahahaha… It’s all peaceful and playful at the apartment now that Skinny Me is gone. Scott seemed a little tense when she was here. I guess part of it was that he didn’t have his own space anymore.

I will be gone the week of June 22 on my fabulous vacation. I’ll have my laptop with me and my camera, so expect lots of pictures!! Jesse is gonna have a panic attack when I tell her that she is charge of the store while I’m gone.

*does the cabbage patch and a quick little jig* AH! I haven’t been boating since I was little. I just can’t wait; I’ve already started packing my suitcase, which is kind of depressing when you realize how little room you have. However, Scott told me not to bring a lot of clothes *wink wink* (get your mind out of the gutter lol) because we are going to spend the majority of that week in the water. Oh god, I just remembered that I have no sunscreen! My skin of irish-origin would be like an egg on hot asphalt. One last thought before I go back to work, I have got to get one of those Greek language guides from the back of the store. Rick Steves’ books are the best out of any that I’ve skimmed in my boredom. They not only give you helpful tips in the country’s culture and way of doing things, but they also have very common phrases and even curse words, which is really fun for a road rager such as myself. Nobody messes with you when you call them a bastard or a a$$hole in two or more different languages.  😀


No, I do not like green eggs and ham, Sam I am.