March 9, 2009

Snow White Ain’t Got Nothin’ On Me

Posted in City life at 11:37 pm by Lina

So, I am finally caught up on all of my lost sleep. When Scott got home from New York, he had a few days off in order to catch up, but all we did was hang around the apartment and sleep.

It snowed! I was THIS close to putting on a leather jumpsuit, pretending I was Storm, and go run around in the snow, but Scott just gave me a look that you don’t have to be telepathic to get. He’s such a spoilsport, even though I told him he could be Wolverine. It sounds insane and majorly dorky, but I was a major comic book geek (and then movie geek) when I was younger. I stick to non graphic novels now, but every once in a while, an old comic will come through the store, and I have to horde it in my office acting very Smeegle-like. HA! I knew I could fit a Lord of the Rings reference in there somewhere. Bella owes me 20 bucks!

Anyway, the wedding plans are coming along as smooth as pouring half-dried concrete. Nothing seems to be working out for her. The florist just called the other day and cancelled her order completely. So, she is freaking on a Major scale, but Halley is calling in her connections from her wedding soiree. On a brighter note, Halley and I have our dresses! We bought dresses for the party the night before the wedding. My party dress (in marine) is so pretty! I think Halley got this. She said she had to be different. Our bridesmaid dresses are in marine. (Hers) (Mine) Bella’s wedding dress is really similar to this. I can’t figure out where she got it, so I can’t get an exact picture of it, but this is mighty close. Now, I get to work on shoes. YAY!!!! I’m thinking silver or black, or one of us in one and another in the other. Bella’s wearing her heirloom pearls, Halley’s wearing flowers (the hippy), and I’m wearing THE ROCK! lol I think I might use up a pack of bobby pins on my hair and put it up in a bun-like do with flowers stuck all in it. I love flowers!

it has its own gravitational pull, I swear. Women flock to me now. The power went out during the snow, and Scott pointed the flashlight beam at it saying that it would light up the apartment. 😀  What a butthead! lol

I told Scott that all my fake diamonds feel hurt now. teehee. I’m just so happy! Life has leveled itself out, much like my erratic, crackhead-like sleep patterns have also done, so all if quiet on the Eastern front… for now.

Off to websurf for shoes and such